Project resultaat

Het meten van de pH-waarde is dus van een cruciaal belang en een belangrijk onderdeel in het reinigingsproces. Een tweede belangrijke factor in het reinigingsproces is het meten van de verzadiging van het water. Verzadigd water verliest ook de reinigende functie. Het inzetten van nauwkeurige geleidbaarheidssensoren is dan essentieel en zorgt er voor dat het verzadigede water tijdig word ververst. JUMO is al jarenlang een betrouwbare partner van INNO+ en samen streven wij naar een verdere optimalisatie van het leefklimaat voor mens en dier.

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News from the calibration lab

Moisture and pressure service

The accredited calibration laboratory for the measured variable temperature has been operating in Fulda (D) since 1992. JUMO was recently accredited by the German Accreditation Authority (DAkkS) as a service provider for humidity and pressure calibration. As a result, JUMO is able to support customers along the entire production chain.


A new add-on offers the calibration of sensors for humidity measurement.
Humidity has a major impact on the environment and the materials exposed to it. Monitoring and measuring humidity levels is important if effects such as condensation, corrosion, mold growth, heating and contamination of products must be avoided.

Humidity has to be measured in industries that produce and sell food, pharmaceutical products, chemicals, fuels, wood, textiles, and paper. Museums, art galleries, data centers, hospitals, research labs, and semiconductor manufacturers are other institutions/companies for which measuring humidity is of vital importance. Museums, art galleries, data centers, hospitals, research labs, and semiconductor manufacturers are other institutions/companies for which measuring humidity is of vital importance.

In the laboratory in Fulda (D), JUMO calibrates hygrometers that are used for the registration of relative humidity (including the use of transmitters and data loggers). These calibrations are always accredited.

DKD humidity calibration

DKD humidity calibration 1

DKD humidity calibration

DKD humidity calibration 2


It is highly recommended that electrical and mechanical pressure measuring instruments will be calibrated once a year to ensure that they are functioning optimally. The required adjustments, maintenance and cleaning are part of our JUMO service. A new addition to the service portfolio is the provision of accredited calibrations of the mechanical measuring unit and pressure directly at location.

Regardless of the manufacturer it can be performed. JUMO can calibrate absolute and relative pressure in a measurement range from -1 to +600 bar. The calibration process is according to DKD-R 6-1: 2014 or DIN EN 837: 1997. Other services includes the issuing of a calibration certificate, the application of a calibration mark on the calibration object and the
release of the measured values before adjustments are made.

Your contact person

DAkkS Calibration

Kontaktinformācija Kontaktpersona +371 29471624 +371 29471624