Successful examination for nine JUMO trainees

Career start in extraordinary times

Nine apprentices from JUMO GmbH & Co. KG have successfully passed their exams and received their final certificates. Sabrina Sedlmaier achieved the best result with the grade "very good".


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Even though the usual graduation ceremony had to be cancelled this year due to the Corona pandemic, HR Manager Alexandra Dantmann did not miss the opportunity to congratulate the successful trainees in writing.

"The trainees started their careers under significantly more difficult conditions and the last 12 months, including the exams, have demanded a lot from them. Despite this, they have overcome all hurdles and shown an enormous will to perform," explains Alexandra Dantmann. That deserves the highest respect.

The HR manager also thanked the training managers Tamara Stauch (commercial) and Frank Blasinger (technical) as well as the instructors Thomas Plur, Sebastian Krenzer, Frank Decher, and Raphael Gutmann. "They have ensured the high quality standard of JUMO training while adhering to our strict hygiene concept." At the same time, they have used flexible methods and creative approaches to optimally prepare the apprentices for the exams, she added.

Eight apprentices will be taken on by JUMO, while one has chosen a different career path. The following apprentices successfully passed their exams: Sabrina Sedlmaier (metal technology specialist), Niklas Schneider, Jonas Will (each electronics technician), Noah Faust, Jonathan Freier, Christopher Süss (each industrial mechanic), David Ens, Malte Schäfer (each tool mechanic) and Tobias Welchar (industrial clerk).

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